Pursuant to Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the following additional information is provided


1. Data Controller

The Data Controller is CONSORZIO IL MAESTRALE, with registered office at Cesano di Senigallia (AN), company registration and VAT number 01576720427, telephone number 071-6610059, certified email address, in the person of its legal representative, Mr Giacomo Morandi, domiciled for this purpose at the registered office and whose contact details are shown above.
Your personal data shall be processed manually by collecting paper forms and electronically with the aid of IT tools.
Processing shall be carried out based on the principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of your privacy, in compliance with the principles set forth in Article 5 of the Regulation.

2. Data Protection Officer

The Data Protection Officer is Mr Simone Cantarini, lawyer, based at Via Lavinio No. 15, 00183 Rome, Tel. 06 77203179, +39 3273244094,,

3. Source of personal data processed

Your personal data undergoing processing are collected as a result of your consent, expressed by accepting and signing this notice via the “CLICK and SUBMIT” button.

4. Data subject rights

You are entitled to the rights provided for in articles 15 et seq. of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and shall at any time have the right to:

  • receive confirmation of the existence of your personal data, know the purpose of their processing or scope of their dissemination, and access their content;
  • ask to update, change and/or correct your personal data;
  • request to erase, anonymise, block data that have been processed unlawfully, or limit the processing of your personal data;
  • object to processing (including any profiling) on legitimate grounds;
  • object to the processing of data for the purpose of sending advertising or direct sales material or to conduct market research or commercial communication surveys;
  • withdraw your consent, where given, without prejudice to the lawfulness of data processing based on the consent given prior to the withdrawal;
  • receive a copy of the data provided by you and request that such data be transferred to another data controller.

5. Data storage period

Your data will be processed and stored for no longer than ten years and, in any case, until you request their erasure by notifying the above-mentioned Data Controller via their contact details, including by e-mail.